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Nele Rickmann studied architecture at RWTH Aachen, the Dublin Institute of Technology and Bauhaus University Weimar. Moreover, she lived in Leipzig and Athens where she worked in the field of architecture and art. In 2022 she became editor of the Swiss architecture magazine archithese. Since then, Nele has been a regular contributor to the db deutsche bauzeitung and writes for recent ZHdK's publications. In 2024 she contributed to the article series Gutes Bauen Ostschweiz by Architektur Forum Ostschweiz and became a member of Open House Zurich. As a young female architecture critic, she also moderates events and was involved in architectural reviews at ETH Zurich and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In October 2023 she joined the conference Promises Upon Request at KIT Karlsruhe. Nele is based in Zurich, Switzerland.
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